Ollie Jepson | The custodian of a naturally creative brain partially occupied by a rare Brain tumour.

Ollie Jepson | The custodian of a naturally creative brain partially occupied by a rare Brain tumour.


‘The doctor said to us once that if he was in the top of his class, after his treatment he wouldn’t be any longer’.

Ollie, a humorous and kind-hearted kid. Who has a love for all things mathematics, problem solving and adventure. Outside of the classroom, Ollie lived a busy lifestyle where his time would be consumed by soccer, karate, skateboarding and swimming. There is also a unique side to Ollie, he is an exceptionally talented artist who shadows his mother, Naomi.

Ollie and Naomi share a creative brain structure passed down from grandad ‘Bumper’. Ollies father, Nathan, on the other hand has always been the practical one. Lover of the outdoors where the beach has always been a big part of his up bringing. These days Nathan has altered his focus to developing a podcast platform called ‘Internal Battle’. Where he talks to other parents through the mutual struggles of children who are medically complex. Ollie is also kept busy with two sisters, Gracie who has a love for performance and athletics and Marley, who is the little go-getter.  

Ollie is the master creator of many vibrant and rich art pieces, completed by what comes to mind at the time, and remarkably, created while under the strict and harsh treatment protocol for Brain Cancer. Ollie was diagnosed at the age of 6, with ‘’Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of the brain’’, a rare soft-tissue cancer that was embedded in his skull. Ollie has already endured 67 weeks of chemotherapy across 3 separate rounds, 28 rounds of radiation over a 6-week period and too many antibiotics, medications and hospital stays to remember.

The wicked reality for Oncology kids like Ollie, is when a temperature of 38 or above is detected, in conjunction with an immune-compromised body a fever like this can be life threatening. The other consequence to continual treatment in an institution, is the certainty of the exposure to other viral and bacterial infections, often those too treacherous that they require isolation away from the general population of Oncology children. During one of Ollies hospital stays he has tested positive for a virus called ESBL, it is highly contagious and can cause complications for other children undergoing treatment.

If that hasn’t been enough to take in by now, Ollie now struggles with physical movement including leg strength and mobility all the way to his mental state. Ollies parents note a dramatic drop in his memory but not in his cognitive abilities. Ollie is very much passionate about Lego, a really good resource for his hand and eye co-ordination, fine motor, and finger strength nonetheless after a while Ollie lost the aptitude to connect the pieces together seamlessly, which was tough for Nathan and Naomi to see. Rightfully so, Ollie was filled with resentment and frustration that a once much-loved activity was not feasible at this very moment.

Ollie’s physical ability decreased dramatically while in hospital, the hospital physiotherapist did make visits however by the time Ollie was ready to engage, time was up and they were to move on to the next child. Ollies father shares ‘’if we had our own thing, we could have used that for him to get him up and active during hospital stays that would have been great’’. Unfortunately the reality is that the importance of allied health can sometimes be overlooked in circumstances like these. Ollies dad also shares that anything and everything to help and support kids and families is amazing. Nathan is a massive supporter of the more the merrier, having options is always a blessing as something that works for one child or even many may not always work for others.

Today, Ollie and his family have found different avenues to tackle the struggles associated with long hospital stays. They are now absorbing all the positive energy possible into his artwork. Art has offered Ollie an outlet to express how he feels, keeping his young mind stimulated while tuning into his twice exceptional gift of being a creator. Ollie has now created his own colouring book, where it can be purchased online via instant download, for every instant download, a copy will also be donated to the Oncology Ward at Westmead Childrens hospital.

Ohh Dante strives to provide children with developmental products to ensure the upkeep of core skills like fine motor and problem solving opportunities are still available even in the most unimaginable circumstances. 

To Ollie, remember - tomorrow is a new day for new opportunities - to learn, play and grow. You are an incredible little guy, with the most fascinating imagination and creative mind. Ohh Dante wishes you only the best for the remaining duration of your treatment and beyond. 


•To support Ollie, you can view/ purchase his art work here -  https://www.internalbattle.com

•To learn more about Ollie’s journey you can visit - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086430457160  

•For upcoming podcast episodes visit - https://youtu.be/qB1E1oGZne0?si=xcc2peSu5Mn7IMWq


With love,

Ohh Dante 

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